would you like to MAXIMIZE your PROFITS with your Direct Sales Business
Achieve your goals with our exclusive Profits
with Party Plans eBook TODAY.
From the Desk of Jennifer
@ MyMommyBiz
Dear Friend,
MyMommyBiz is the leader
in offering advice & support for party plan consultants and
those who are looking for the perfect company to join. We have
thousands of direct sales consultants on our message boards, and
have been requesting we put together a complete eBook to help
consultants who want to persue a career in direct sales... a PROFITABLE
career in direct sales. So we have risen to the challenge with
Profits with Party Plans
the ONLY must-have eBook for consultants.
What makes this eBook
220+ pages of pure information, advice, tips and assistance, giving
you the tools and ideas you NEED to make your direct sales business
a SUCCESS. No matter what area you need help with... and even
if you need help with ALL areas... this eBook will hold your hand
through home parties, fundraisers, recruiting, catalog parties,
online parties... and even if you haven't chosen your company
yet, we will teach you how to choose the PERFECT party plan company
for you.
Keep reading, and see
just how comprehenesive our eBook is, with our table of contents.
Profits with
Party Plans will guide you to success in each of these areas:
Your Business & Sponsor
Order Customers
Shows, Fairs & Expos
Offline Marketing Techniques
With Websites
Online Marketing
So now you know the outline,
and we'll get to the complete and comprehensive table of contents shortly,
but what are people saying about Profits with Party Plans? These are real
paying customers who have ordered through our site and put Profits with
Party Plans TO THE TEST.
I think the recruiting
section was worth twice that amount. I have always had problems
getting people to sign up under me. I have been trying to do better
this year. It had a lot of advice I did not even think of when it
comes to getting recruits.
Missy B
Kitchen Consultant
how fantastic is the recruiting section that Missy talks about?
25 pages on recruiting and motivating your downline! If you need to get
a flood of consultants signing up underneath you, Profits with Party Plans
is going to tell you EXACTLY how to do this.
I brought it and there
are so many ideas in it, it's great.
I have found these forums
very interesting, but I've also found when I really like an idea
I should print it off and write it down. I don't. And then I can't
find it again, and forget what it said.
This book has all the useful
information where I can't loose it!! It's quite hefty reading, but
I will definatly be adding some of the things to my parties.
Likisma Aromatherapy Consultant
Just how
many ideas are there? HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS. And
you won't find just the "same old" ideas, there are plenty of
fresh ideas that you will ONLY find in Profits with Party Plans!
I just bought it too and
I've only just begun reading it. I already see some very useful
info and I totally agree, it's here and I can find what I want when
I'm looking for it. All the great info/ideas in one place.
I can't wait to read it
over and over and highlight thing cause it's mine.
Manager - Home & Gift Collection
Why spend
hours trying to search for information online
when you can have it in the convenience of an eBook you can print out
then highlight all the important points you want to bring into your business.
But don't be surprised if your printout has more yellow highlighter than
white space!
let's have a look and see EVERYTHING our
exclusive PROFITS WITH PARTY PLANS contains!
of Contents to Success
Your Business
1. Choosing
Your Business
2. Following Your Passion
3. Worksheet: Your Product Area Selection Sheet
4. Comparing Different Businesses
5. Worksheet: Most Important & Least Important Considerations
6. Consumables vs. Non-Consumables
7. Minimums
8. Kit Options
9. Choosing Your Sponsor
10. Your Contract
11. Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone
12. Finding Hostesses
13. Worksheet: 100 No's
14. Worksheet: Business Card & Catalog Drop Off Checklist
15. Worksheet: Who Do You Know?
16. Worksheet: Who Do You Know Online?
17. Home Party Basics
18. Why it is Important to Greet the Guests
19. Finalizing Guest Orders
20. Average Party Length
21. Showing Off Your Check
22. When to Schedule Parties
23. Your Hostess Package
24. Worksheet: Hostess Checklist to Success
25. Worksheet: Hostess Invitation Idea List
26. Worksheet: Scavenger Hunt Hostess Checklist
27. How Far Will You Travel?
28. Preventing Party Cancellations
29. Do You Always Need New Party Hosteses?
30. As Soon as the Party is Booked
31. Planning With Your Hostess
32. Hostess Coaching
33. Worksheet: Hostess Coaching Checklist
34. Ideas for Theme Parties
Shows & Parties
35. Catalog Parties
36. Contact Information on Your Catalogs & Forms
37. How Long Should Catalog Parties Be
38. Motivating Catalog Party Hostesses
39. Catalog Party Incentives
40. Guest Lists for Catalog Shows
41. Delivering Catalog Orders Directly
42. Why Some Prefer Catalog Parties
43. Single Customer Orders
44. Worksheet: Honey Gift List
45. Worksheet: Gift Tracker
Shows, Fairs & Expos
46. Event Basics
47. How to Find Craft Fairs
48. Inventory for Craft Fairs
49. Sharing a Table with a Fellow Consultant
50. Profitability of Craft Fairs
Offline Marketing Techniques
51. Contests, Draw Boxes & Promotions
52. Frequent Customer Rewards
53. Car Advertising
54. Sponsoring Charity Events & Teams
55. Welcome Wagon
56. Community Networking
57. Mom Packs
with Websites
58. Company Sponsored Websites
59. Personal Business Websites
60. Types of Advertising
61. Solo Ads
62. Newsletter Ads
63. Directory Listings
64. Party Plan Lists
65. Message Board Ads
66. Google Adwords
67. Overture / Yahoo! Search Marketing Solutions
68. Comparing Site Traffic
69. Tracking Your Advertisements
70. Do You Need a Newsletter?
71. How Often Should You Send a Newsletter?
72. Anatomy of a Newsletter
73. Using Images In Your Newsletter
74. Providing Useful Articles
75. Getting Subscribers to Your Newsletter
76. Alternative Ways to Promote Your Newsletter Online
77. Knowing the Can-SPAM Laws
78. HTML or Plain Text?
79. Newsletter Services
80. Blogging
81. Who Will Read Your Business Blog?
82. Personal Versus Business Blogging
83. Promoting Your Blog
84. Where to Get a Free Blog
85. Blogging Software
86. Networking on Message Boards
87. Finding Message Boards
88. Choosing Your Username
89. Worksheet: Message Board Tracker
90. Introducing Yourself on Message Boards
91. Networking Versus Spamming
92. Points to Ponder When Posting a Message
93. Participating on Message Boards
Online Marketing
94. Mailing Lists & Yahoo Groups
95. Online Networks
96. What are online parties
97. Where to host a party
98. Announcing & advertising your online party
99. Finding an Online Party Host
100. Online Ordering at Online Parties
101. Mystery Hostess
102. Inviting Guests to an Online Party
103. Online party games (4 games)
104. Recruiting
105. Finding Recruits
106. Recruiting as a New Recruit
107. Recruiting Your Hostess
108. Recruiting Through Your Customers
109. Your Recruiting Scrapbook
110. Recruiting Online
111. Eight Kinds of Consultants
112. Supporting Your Downline
113. Being Available to Your Downline
114. Praising Your Downline
115. Teaching Positive Thinking
116. Downline Conference Calls
117. Team Chats
118. Downline Message Boards
119. Downline Mailing Lists
120. Team Newsletters
121. Fundraisers
122. Why Should You Bother Doing Fundraisers
123. Increasing Your Earnings with Fundraisers
124. Introducing New Products with Fundraisers
125. Fundraisers Through Non-Cold-Calling Methods
126. Fundraiser Length
127. Donating Commissions
128. Following Up With Fundraisers
129. Sample Fundraising Letter Template
130. Worksheet: Fundraising Brainstorm Sheet
131. Selling for more than one company
132. Switching companies
133. Sponsor issues
Why do you NEED
Profits with Party Plans?
- Learn
how YOU can maximize your party sales, whether they are home parties,
catalog parties, or online parties!
- Learn
how YOU can land those coveted fundraisers - even if you have never
done one before!
- Learn
how to get the bread-and-butter of your business - those coveted and
seemingly elusive recruits. Take the advice in PROFITS
WITH PARTY PLANS to not only landing new recruits but keeping
your current downline motivated enough to keep earning you money!
The BENEFITS are endless.
If you want to earn more money, and even if you want to turn your party
plan business into your ONLY job, Profits with Party Plans WILL help you
achieve your goals! You will learn:
- How you should *really*
choose your sponsor - it is probably NOT what you think!
- Why having inventory
when showing at craft fairs & expos is SO important.
- How to be a successful
online networker without crossing the line to spamming.
- How to find those elusive
online party hosts.
- Is it tacky to show
off your commission check, and should you do it?
- How to find fundraisers
and how you should contact them.
- How to blog your business
- How to get your draw
boxes in the businesses you want them in.
- Whether you should do
your own website or stick with the company sponsored one.
- How to prevent party
- How to really make catalog
parties a true success.
- How to successfully
advertise your direct sales business with your vehicle.
- Is Welcome Wagon worth
it for you?
- How to find craft shows,
fairs & expos.
- How to motivate your
downline so they make YOU money!
much will all this information cost you? $199? $149? $99? It should be,
because the value of this information will be hundreds of times worth
If you respond by
, you pay only $34.99. Thats
right, for the price of two movie tickets and popcorn you pay only $34.99,
if you respond by
. As an investment in your business, you could easily make back
that $34.99 simply by following just ONE
of the tips at your very next home party - and we give you hundreds of
your copy of Profits with Party Plans RIGHT NOW
Those familiar with
the MyMommyBiz ethic know that we believe in keeping things affordable
for work at home moms. Yes, we could charge many times more what we are,
but we WANT you to succeed and achieve your business dreams, THAT is what
we are all about.
not convinced?
In addition to your copy of our exclusive eBook PROFITS WITH PARTY PLANS,
you also get an extra month of you MyMommyBiz Premium Membership FREE.
If you are not already a Premium Member, full instructions are on the
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