Do you not have enough time to update your website as often as you want? Consider adding the MyMommyBiz Tip of the Day right to your homepage!

Each and every day, MyMommyBiz offers a brand new piece of advice for moms who want to work at home. Each tip is dated, so you site looks current, even if it's not!

There are just two simple steps to follow to add the MyMommyBiz Tip of the Day to your homepage.

Step 1.
Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document. Do not press ENTER in the script (the line after the HEAD tag). Word wrap is fine, just don't put ENTER.

Step 2.
Paste this code into the BODY of your HTML document.

Once that is done, your page will automatically be updated daily with a new MyMommyBiz Tip of the Day!

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