Taking Sanity Breaks When starting a new business, many moms eagerly jump in with both feet and devote every single spare nanosecond to their new business, often at the expense of everyone and everything else. Not to say that working on your business every chance you get is bad, but you should take a few of those chances and use them for well-deserved sanity breaks. Why take a sanity break? For starters, a mom who is already running a household, along with everyone in it, needs an occassional break to prevent burnout. I know some of you would never burn out, but the other 99% of the mommy population, myself included, needs a sanity break for the sake of their sanity! What constitutes a sanity break? It means different things to different moms. It runs the gamut from completing a scrapbook page to practicing yoga with new age music playing in the background; from reading a romance novel to taking a walk or jog with your daughter in a Baby Jogger Stroller. What if, between kids, husbands and household chores you don't have time? Try getting up an hour before everyone else does for quiet "all by myself" time. You may need an extra jolt of caffeine the first few times, but it is worth it, particularly when it becomes a set routine. Do you love Oprah, but you are always running carpool when it is on? Tape it and watch it the next morning instead, while you relax with your coffee. (If you are like me, you always put that hot drink out of reach of curious hands, only to discover it, cold, hours later.) By taking sanity breaks, you will rejuvinate yourself, and stay focused when you do have the time to work on your business. And best of all, you will be much less likely to get frustrated when things don't go exactly your way. |
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