Designing Tricks
& Techniques for Beginners
Allowing or Disallowing Robots & Links
using Meta Tags
Want a bot to not follow any links on a page?
Usability Testing on Different Screen Sizes
Wonder what your page will look at different screen
Hiding Text or References Within Your Webpage
How to make hidden text references that won't
be seen in the browser.
216 Web Safe Color Palette
Choose colors that will display exactly the same
on every computer.
Highlight link backgrounds on mouse-over
An easy way to attract attention to your links.
Script Without Pop-Up Alert
this script to help prevent people from stealing your images.
a line through text
Use this html code to draw lines through text
Your Email Address from Spam Harvesters
Code your online email addresses to stop robots
from retrieving your email address.
the Look of Your <hr> tag lines
Add colors,
widths and thicknesses to your <hr> lines on your webpages.
Include Subjects in Your Email Links
A great way to track where emails are coming from,
and what they are about.
Background Image
When scrolling, your background doesn't move,
but the text does.
a Web Page in a New Browser Window
Opening a link into another window, leaving your
site in the window underneath.
all Links in a New Browser Window
For use on link pages, open all links automatically
in a new window.
Redirect to a New Web Page
Great if you have a new domain name, or are using
a redirect for tracking.
Search Engines from Indexing a Page
Preventing a robot from indexing and following
links on certain pages.
Underline from a Web Page Link
Removing the standard underline that appears when
you have a link.
from a Framed Web Site
Handy if your site is often
trapped in frames by those who link to you.
This Site Your HomePage" Link
Offer a link for people to click and make your
website their homepage.
to Favorites Link
A link so visitors can automatically add your
site to their favorites.
Link Text to Your Status Bar
Have text instead of the URL appear in the status
bar on mouse-over.