Telecommuting for Moms Telecommuting is a relatively new term in the business world, but fortunately for moms, it is gaining more and more popularity, especially in a world where companies are looking to cut corners to save money. Some businesses are completely run by telecommuters. A telecommuter simply works from home and keeps in touch with the company's home office through email, fax, and telephone. Usually, all basic communication equipment (computer, fax machine, modem) is the responsibility of the telecommuter, but specialized equipment and software is generally supplied by the hiring company. Many moms who would like to work at home have found that they have successfully petitioned their bosses to let them telecommute, at least on a part-time or trial basis to see if it suits both the company and you. The more valuable your boss considers you to the business, the more likely he or she is to try telecommuting out. Another advantage of telecommuting for business owners, is that they have a much large pool of applicants to choose from, and can find someone with a very specific skills or requirements fort jobs. This has enabled many moms to successfully find telecommuting jobs online, and work for a business and boss they have never even met! And moms have the advantage that they can still work at home while being with their children. And depending on the job, many moms are able to set their own hours around their children's sleep or school schedule - another big bonus. Of course, like any job, make sure it is legitimate before you begin - remember, you should never have to pay for anything when you work for someone else. |
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