am still thinking about what kind of business it is I should start. I
don't think I really want to be a home decor consultant. For one thing,
I couldn't trust Trey anywhere near the stuff. On the other hard, I don't
really want to do toys either, because I know he'd be all over them all.
Candles are kind of interesting, but because of the kids, I don't think
I have lit a candle in the house since I was pregnant with Trey. Even
then, I wasn't really a candle person either. The one that jumped out
at me, and what keeps popping into my mind (which means it is probably
a sign!) is an essential oils company. I have always loved essential oils
- I just don't particularly love the prices. It is one of those things
that has always intrigued me, and that I wanted to learn more about "one
day". So why shouldn't that one day be now? I can already envision
my MIL's disapproving scowl!