eBay's Buy It Now for the Holidays
When you are selling items
on eBay that would be given as gifts, or that are seasonal to a specific
event or holiday, you are better off to always offer a Buy It Now (BIN)
Why is this? When people are
planning their holidays, there is a bigger rush for them to order their
items and get them shipped right away. When the holiday or the event is
just around the corner, many bidders won't wait the 7 days until the auction
ends, and will end up buying from another seller or purchasing locally.
Often, bidders will also pay
a premium to get the item sooner rather than later, so keep that in mind
when you are setting your opening bids and your BIN pricing.
Even if you don't usually do
BIN for the holidays, you may be pleasantly surprised when you do test
out how this eBay feature works for you.