Copied Auction Descriptions to eBay
Many successful sellers spend
lots of timing working on their auction descriptions, tweaking how they
word things, from how they list each item's details, right down to their
auction terms such as payment and shipping details. And unfortunately
new or lazy sellers come along, see your fantastic description and decide
to take it for their own auctions.
If you find you are often the
victim of this kind of description theft, take a unique phrase from your
auction, and do a search for it. The returned results may surprise you.
Fortunately, eBay is well aware
that this kind of copyright infringement happens, and they have a process
set up where you can now report the copied auction description to eBay
under their Verified Rights Owner Program, also commonly known as the
eBay VeRO program. This program helps intellectual property owners who
are the subject of theft, whether it be text, images or trademark infringement.
To file a report that your
auction description has been stolen, click
here. It can take a few days for eBay to respond, so file your report
as soon as you discover the copyright infringement, so the auction can
be removed from the eBay database before the auction is over.
It is still worthwhile to submit
your theft report to eBay even if the auction is nearly over. Once you
submit, the other seller will still be warned that it is illegal to copy
someone else's intellectual property, and it will become a part of her
eBay record. If a seller is guilty of this offense several times, that
seller could lose her registered status on eBay.