Partnering Your Site In the past year, more and more networks have been popping up online, which present a group of information websites alongside businesses, all which target specific demographics. Many of these networks openly solicit new members, while others you must inquire about or even be invited to. Some are free, others require a fee and a contract with very specific terms, and others are simply a co-op. Joining one of these networks can bring you much more exposure, as a group of businesses working together to promote each other. But there are also limitations when partnering up with a network. You usually cannot accept outside ads, or if you can, all the prime ad spots are reserved for network ads. But usually, all advertising is handled by the network itself and you will have no say about the ads accepted, even if the ads are for a site in direct competition. All all advertising revenues generally go to the network, although some networks do participate in a revenue share program with partners. When choosing a network, you should look for ones that complement your own site, services and products. If they directly complete, and your sales could potentially go to another network site, yu might be better off looking for a new network to join. |
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