I choose an accredited or unaccredited degree program?
Many people wonder whether
they should go for an accredited or unaccredited degree program, because
often the price difference is a factor for the specific degree you want
is only available through an unaccredited online university.
If you're using the strictly
for personal use, such as the feeling that you have a degree or you are
using it strictly for personal learning, then there is no reason why choosing
between accredited or an accredited university should be an issue.
However, if you are planning
on using your degree to get a job or for credit at another school later,
you should definitely choose for an accredited degree program.
Because accredited schools
must uphold quality and standard guidelines, most employers in schools
do except accredited degrees. However you could run into problems with
an unaccredited degree program if a potential employer researches the
degree or you need to use it for admission to another school.
So when it all possible, choose
an accredited degree program over an uncredited one, because it will lessen
any problems you may have in the future over your degree.