Allowed Vacation Directory
If you have a love for travel
and pets than you should consider creating a directory that specializes
in hotels, inns, resorts and lodging that accommodates pets when families
are on vacation.
You could provide the information
for free to your visitors to find the information but charge a fee to
the hotel listed and ask them to submit the information they would like
included in their advertisement.
Many families want to take
the family dog along with them when they leave on vacation but many hotels,
lodging areas and resorts do not permit pets of any kind. Having this
information on hand before traveling would be a great benefit for your
Along with the information
on hotels and lodging that allow pets you could also get surrounding businesses
and attractions to advertise with you as well as this is still their target
market also. The most effective way to run a business such as this would
be to start with a website as the start up will be at a minimum compared
to your time and effort to research.
Also consider starting a business
for Pets
Allowed Apartment Rentals.