Reunion Organizer Starting a business as a reunion organizer can be a lot of fun and yet daunting at times as well. Part of your job is to be an event planner and the other half is acting as a private investigator. Reunion organizing is a fairly new industry but is growing at a rapid rate. More and more people want to go back and connect with lost friends and family and bring them all together as the years have passed. Most likely the person that hires you to organize the reunion for them is working out of the home fulltime leaving lots of work for you to do equaling money for you! One of the main points to doing this job will be hunting down missing or long lost members from high school, college, family members and more. Finding these people will require you to research online and off using your computer, calling your old high school, friends and family and more. How you go about finding about the specific person(s) will be determined by how much information you have on them to start with. *Positive: You can work from home and it's never boring as you will have to be creative in finding ways to locate some people. At the end it will be rewarding having reunited old and new friends and family members. *Negative: Locating individuals will not always be an easy task and can become very frustrating. People move, maiden names become married names and well you get the idea *What you need to start: A computer is essential as you will be able to do a good bit of research using it; printer, fax machine, calendar, date book and a phone. Organizational skills are a plus as you will be in charge of setting up the event and coordinating everyone's arrival from all around the world. For More Research we have included some resources below: http://www.aagsnc.org/articles/reuniontips.html#Help
has some tips and useful info. |
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