
Membership Benefits for Home Party Plan Consultants
months - $89 - Join NOW!
6 months - $49 - Join
If you are in
a party plan consultant, are you wondering what benefits are in a MyMommyBiz
Premium Membership for you? There are plenty!
- Member's Only Party Plan
Discussion forum
- A private forum
- Consultants who cannot
discuss their business in public forums are welcome to discuss them
- Much more in-depth discussions
- Learn from top-level
consultants, some who have more than 300 members in their downline.
- MyMommyBiz Info Packs
- Have your business information
sent to women who are specifically looking to start their own business.
- Include items such as
brouchures, flyers, catalogs, CDs, samples, etc.
- Great Consultant Challenge
- Contests for consultants
who are Premium Members
- February 2005 contest
information here
- MyMommyBiz Home
Party Plan List
- Premium Members jump
to the top of the waiting list!
- No matter how many are
on the waiting list, Premium Members get first chance when an opening
for their company becomes available.
- Access to business articles
specifically for party plan consultants that are not available to the
general public.
- Discounts on web hosting
& domain name registration
- These discounts are
only available to Premium Members.
- Website critiques
- We do in-depth member
site reviews in a special critique forum, to enable you the best
advice to design and promote your website.
- And of course, all the rest
of the perks listed on our main membership
information page!
Ready to join?
12 months - $89 - Join
6 months - $49 - Join