How long should fundraisers be? One of the biggest mistakes consultants make when scheduling fundraisers is making them entirely too short, or at the other end of the spectrum, far too long. So, what is an ideal time frame for hosting fundraisers? The perfect time is two and a half weeks, so you can get three full weekends. For example, start it on a Thursday or Friday, and end the Monday after the third weekend. Weekends are usually the prime fundraising time for groups, particularly students. But with today's busy family schedules, you can run into problems with someone not being able to fundraise on a specific weekend, if you limit the fundraising period to a single week. By having three full weekends, this gives people the best opportunity to fundraise. However, you do not want it to run three or more weeks. If the fundraising time period is too prolonged, people get the false impression that they have lots of fundraising time left, and put it off to the last minute... or worse, forget about it completely. Sales will be much lower because people procrastinate and there isn't the time factor of "have to do it now" involved. Two and a half weeks, which includes three full weekends, is the ideal length for your fundraiser.
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