Finding more top recruits based on your current successful recruits Where are you recruiting your most successful consultants from, and how to use that to your advantage? When you have built a downline of at least 20-30 recruits, look at the 10-15 who have been most successful for you, in terms of commissions you have earned from each over the past 3-6 months. Then tally where you recruited those consultants from according to the following categories:
What category did you generate the most successful recruits from? If it was from a party guest (most people recruit most successfully from party guests and friends), you will want to make sure you are spending a lot of time recruiting from those areas. Using this formula, if you find you are trying to recruit relatives at a higher percentage, yet have only had one sign up, you are best to devote your recruiting energies elsewhere instead. Devote the time you have to recruit to areas that are paying off better for you. Even though relatives can be more easily accessible, and you don't have to make cold contact, the effort just might not be worth the time Every six months, you should re-evaluate and see if the same is still holding true, or if there has been a change in the areas you have been most successful in recruiting in.
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