Getting Recruits Through Your Customers Make up three packs for your customer. They should include a business card and a brochure, catalog or mini catalog. You can also include any promotional information for current specials, or samples, if you wish. You can stable them together, or place them in an inexpensive decorative cello bag. Give these three packs to your customer. Instruct your customer to give these out to people she thinks would be interested in ordering or even signing up for the business. If any one of those customers follows up with a phone call, your customer will earn 10% off her next order (great for follow up orders from your customer!) or a free product (let her know what it is before hand). If all three follow up with orders or bookings, you can offer something better - a better product, or a higher discount. It will be rare that all three will follow up, but stranger things have happened. Because there is an incentive for the customer to get qualified leads for you, she will try harder to give those packs to people she feels really would follow up with you. |
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