How to
Spell Check Webpages
There are many different ways
to spell check your webpages. Spelling errors can make a webpage look
less polished than it could be, but many times typos seem to creep into
your webpages. I know I am guilty of it! But there are some ways you can
spell check your pages to ensure you are using the correct spelling.
The first, and probably the
most common, is to simply paste the content of each page into your word
processor and spell check from there. You can add common words to your
dictionary as you go along (for example, many internet business terms
aren't in the dictionary by default.) You might also want to add your
personal name and site name for convenience.
has a spell checker where they will check your pages you have already
placed online, and then email you the results. It can sometimes take up
to an hour, depending on the size of your site.
Watson has a handy spell checker, that will visit your page and check
your spelling for you. They also have plenty of other tools you can use
at the same time, such as checking links and images on your page, as well
as such things as average download speed.