How to
Check if a Program is Bundled with Spyware or Adware?
If you have found the perfect
program on why they you wish to download, how can you protect yourself
against the possibility it is bundled with spyware or adware? There are
a few ways you can try in check into the possibility before you download
and discover it is there.
- see if the program is available
at They had taken a step of not allowing any programs
available for download that have bundled spy ware into the package,
regardless of whether the download advises you to you are installing
spyware or not.
- read the user agreements,
license is, and privacy notices that come with any program you are downloading
to install on your computer.
- do a search for the program
name on the Internet. And then also do an Internet search for the program
name plus the term "spyware". If others are complaining that
the program is coming with spyware, you do not want to download it.
Not many programs will alert
the end-user that installing their program will also install the spyware.
Remember they want you to install the spyware because that is how they
make money, and they can be quite sneaky about how they do it.
Do not be fooled into thinking
that just because you have paid for something you are downloading, that
it is free of spyware. Even paid programs can come bundled with spyware,
so you still need to check.
That is why an Internet search,
or reading every last word of their use your agreement or license will
help you in determining whether it is a safe download or not. And when
in doubt, check to see if it is available at