Interacting with your Teleworking Co-workers Online Working, as a telecommuter and dealing with other employees that are located at the corporate office can sometimes be a daunting task. While e-mails are great, after all, this is a major part of telecommuting; it is sometimes hard to set the right tone. It can be hard to fully appreciate each other's positions when have never met this person and your schedule and his are most likely very different. When receiving an e-mail stressing a special project and its importance and speedy turn around, it can come across and make you feel like you are being picked on. Or even flustered, what can they expect you are doing the best you can. Take a deep breath before you hit the reply button in these situations! Be sure to always remain professional and courteous, although hard it might be at times. Try to remember that many of these companies have a few hundred telecommuters that work for them. This means your first emails may not get answered in the first ten minutes. Many times, e-mails don't make it to their destination, sending your e-mail message with a read request, is a smart choice for you. This way there cannot be any confusion if something was not received on time or managed to get lost in cyberspace! Just remember while telecommuting is your choice for work, and it makes "your" life easier, there will still be "work" headaches just as there would be in a regular office job. Its bound to happen when many people are working for the same goal, but it can be done and you can do it too! |
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